Jipdate Examples

On this page you will find a list of examples of things that a Jipdate user might want to do. It should be noted that this is not a complete list, but will probably list the use cases that are most commonly used.c. Likewise each and every combination of flags are not listed here. But you can of course mix flags to include, exclude Jira tickets and so on.

Update tickets

I want to update only my Epics and reuse my previous comment(s)

$ jipdate -q -e -l

Here it’s the -l that makes the difference and Jipdate will pull the last comment from the ticket(s) and include that in each section for each and every Jira ticket assigned to you.

I want to update my Initiatives and Epics and reuse my previous comment(s)

$ jipdate -q -l

Here it’s the -l that makes the difference and Jipdate will pull the last comment from the ticket(s) and include that in each section for each and every Jira ticket assigned to you.

I want to change state of my card

Run Jipdate with any parameter that suits your needs. Here we’re getting everything.

$ jipdate -q --all

In your Editor you will see a section for each Jira ticket (based on your given parameters to Jipdate). It could look like this:

# Header: Demo / Test issue three
# Type: Epic
# Status: Open
# No updates since last week.

Here you can see it in the Open state (# Status Open). If you want to change this to another state, then simply uncomment the line and write another state for it, i.e., change like we’ve done at line 4 here.

# Header: Demo / Test issue three
# Type: Epic
Status: To do
# No updates since last week.


Upper/lower case doesn’t matter for the status change, nor does spaces before or after matter. But it needs to be written as in Jira otherwise. If you get it wrong, Jipdate will return an error and also show the possible combinations. Example. todo is wrong, but to do is correct!

# Header: Demo / Test issue three
# Type: Epic
Status: In progress
Time spent: 4h
Updates since last week.

Here you can see Status in In progress, and Time spent on this issue is ste to 4 hours. There are also some updates, and these updates Updates since last week. will be updated under Comments and under Work log in that ticket.


Time spent can be written in the formats: 5m, 5h, 5d and 5w, and that means m (minutes), h (hours), d (days), w (weeks).

Updates with status reports

I want to update my Epics and create a status report

$ jipdate -q -e -f status_report_week_xy.txt

When the script has finished running you will have a file status_report_week_xy.txt in the folder with your entire status update ready to be sent out via email, for archiving or copy/pasted into a combined status document.


Updating like this with the -q (query) will overwrite the file you have specified.

I want to update my issues based on my own status file

$ jipdate -f my_status.txt

The use case here is that you have a Jipdate status file stored locally that you update on regular basis and you basically never query Jira itself.

Special use cases

I want to see what tickets person firstname.lastname are working with

$ jipdate -q -u john.doe


For this you still need to enter your own password even though you make a query about another user.

I want to see the last updates on tickets assigned to firstname.lastname

$ jipdate -q -u john.doe -l


For this you still need to enter your own password even though you make a query about another user.

I only want to print my status to stdout

$ jipdate -q -p

This can be combined with other flags (e.g. --all, -e etc).

Testing / development

I want to use a test-server / sandbox

$ jipdate -t -q

Here we provide -t which will use Linaro’s test server instead of the real Jira instance. This is totally safe to use when playing around and testing Jipdate. You can of course combine this with all other parameters.

I want to do a dry-run

$ jipdate -q --dry-run

With --dry-run you can query the real Jira instance without risking to make any updates. I.e., this can be used as a complement to query the test server.